🏒Smart Contract Repository

A look into StealthTest's repository of smart contracts


StealthTest now offers a repository of popular smart contracts ready for immediate deployment to your StealthTest environment. Choose from a growing collection of verified contracts and protocols, such as ERC-20, Uniswap, and Chainlink. With just one click, users can deploy these contracts, accessible both from the environment Dashboard and the Contracts page.

Verified refers to source code verification, which is the process of matching the contract's source code to it's on-chain bytecode, ensuring transparency and security.


Deployment is truly as easy as the click of a button. Select 'DEPLOY' and our system will handle the rest. Once the contract has successfully deployed, it will show up in your list of deployed contracts on the Dashboard.

Users are not limited to our repository for contract deployment. They can deploy their own custom contract using their unique StealthTest RPC, and upon successful deployment, the contract will be listed within the Dashboard.

Contract Details View

Selecting any contract repository tile will bring up the Contract Details view. From there, users can view and copy contract details including source code, ABI, and bytecode.

Repository Details

Last updated
